Grand Prefect for Austria

Ehrenritterschaft Kopie

Grand Master appoints Grand Prefect
for the Knighthood of Honor in Austria


By decree of June 15th 2020 the Grandmaster Prof. Dr. Lothar Gellert appointed Rosemarie Murth-Brich as Grand Prefect of the Knighthood of Honor of the Lazarus Union for Austria.

Since the Grandmaster of the Knighthood of Honor has his residence in Germany, the Knighthood of Honor in Austria was practically without a leader. A Grand Prefect represents the Grandmaster in the country concerned and is authorized to carry out even investments in the respective area in the name of the Grandmaster.

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Personal arm of the Grand Prefekt Rosemarie Murth-Brich

Since in Austria, the seat of the Lazarus Union, the Austrian Knights of Honour make up almost 50 % of the world’s honorary knights, this position is very important and very responsible.

 Rangdekret Murth-Brich

Rosemarie Murth-Brich has been a Dame of Honor in the Knighthood of Honor for many years and is also the treasurer of the Lazarus Union for years. She not only enjoys the confidence of the Grandmaster and General Plenipotentiary but is also firmly rooted in the Lazarus Union and is valued and respected by her comrades.

From now on, she is the contact person of all expectants and all Knights of Honor of all ranks and is the superior. When we write “Knights of Honor”, of course we also include our Dames of Honor! All applications for admission to the Knighthood of Honor as expectant or Knight or Dame of Honor as well as all promotions and rank in Austria will be carried out by her.

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We wish our new Grand Prefect all the best and the strength to exercise her office with dignity, justice, humility, comradeship and also with the necessary rigour.

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