Everything from the start

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Everything from the start –
Park Concerts of the Vienna Brass Music Association

Schattenbild   A report from „Spectator“



For several months, due to the Corona pandemic, Austrian wind music with its more than 2.000 member clubs and 150.000 musicians was absolutely at a standstill.


Nevertheless, this time was also characterized by creative ideas and so the Vienna Brass Music Association has planned corresponding activities to restart the cultural and brass music activities reduced by Corona.

On September 24th and September 25th 2020 the project “Everything from the start – Park Concerts of the Vienna Brass Music Association” will be realized.

Member clubs of the Vienna Brass Music Association will perform park concerts lasting approx. 45/50 min.


On September 24th 2020”, we organized to entertain the visitors in the Vienna City Park in front of the golden “Johann Strauss monument” together with our partner band, the “Post- and Telecom Music Vienna”.




Under the leadership of bandmaster Friedrich Lentner, In addition to the “traditional marches”, also waltzes, polkas and classical music was performed.




The founder of the Lazarus Union and Honorary Band leader of the Music Corps of the Lazarus Union, Senator Prof.h.c. Wolfgang Steinhardt, did not miss to conduct the “Lazarus Marsch” that was dedicated to him.

The implementation of the entire project is seen – especially in Corona times – as a great advertisement for the Viennese Brass Music scene and the Capital of Culture Vienna. The musicians also enjoyed being able to play together again.


